Thank You Aon..

Last year when we met with Murali and visited Sevalaya, he spoke about how he wanted to convert the instruction medium at the Sevalaya school from Tamil to English. We immediately spoke about English Helper and got the EH team to do a demo for them. All things fell in place and Aon agreed to fund the whole project through Charities Aid Foundation since Sevalaya is a CAF validated NGO. 1196 students went through the English classes using English Helper and the results were fantastic. Comprehension improved, reading ability improved and Murali was thrilled.

Sevalaya was very keen to continue having the English Helper run English classes for their students in this year too and ShikshaDaan was trying to facilitate the funding from Aon. A huge collaborative effort from many quarters ensured that the funds for academic year reached Sevalaya yesterday…. with Aon undergoing a huge change and CAF having to work on a special approval we were a little concerned that it may just get delayed, but Vikrant Kalra, Gautam Ramdev and Rupa Ghosh at Aon wouldn’t let that happen. Thanks to you Vikrant, Gautam and Rupa for pushing through the special approval in record time. Jyoti, kudos to you for working through the processes at CAF and ensuring that funds got released quickly for Sevalaya to start the program in time.

Its these kind of instances that makes Krishnan and I feel so grateful …. people’s good hearts shine through and they deliver on things that seem impossible to start with.

Congratulations Murali and wish our students at Sevalaya another happy year of learning. Sanjay and Priya at English Helper – what an amazing product you have in English Helper !!