Our Model

ShikshaDaan is based on a comprehensive Partnership model that ensures a beneficiary is supported all the way till their graduation and enabled to get a job. We partner with NGOs, individuals, educational institutions and social enterprises. All the NGO partners that we work with have been validated by credible agencies such as Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) or Give India and have been visited by the co-founders personally. With these partnerships, ShikshaDaan is assured of a steady flow of scholars who need financial assistance and whose backgrounds have been verified and validated.

The partnership with Buddy4Study & English Helper – This partnership with these two social enterprises is helping ShikshaDaan to deliver tremendous value to its beneficiaries. For our corporate sponsors as well, the Buddy4Study partnership helps in customising scholarships and tracking the progress of their chosen beneficiaries.

The English Helper partnership helps corporate sponsors to further the Govt. of India’s STEM (Science, Technology, English & Maths) project.
ShikshaDaan’s unique Value Delivery Model is constantly evolving and the following picture shows the comprehensive support that ShikshaDaan provides to a beneficiary. At the core of ShikshaDaan are Scholarships that help beneficiaries to complete their higher education. English language skills are critical to get jobs. Either ShikshaDaan works with schools through English Helper or with individual beneficiaries through English Bolo after school to improve their English language capabilities. The next layer offering career options is essential for ShikshaDaan beneficiaries since it helps build awareness of 100 different careers !! This one day workshop and the career options chart is our partner Pure India Trust‘s product. The 4th layer “Mentoring & soft skills”, helps the beneficiary to reach their full potential. Mentors are corporate executives working in our donor/sponsor organisations.

Our Model