Career Options Workshop – Sikanderpur Bada

On May 24th, we went along with our partner Pure India Trust to the government higher secondary school Sikanderpur Bada in Manesar. This school has been adopted by Perfetti and we were there to conduct the Career Options Workshop.

The school has a massive complex but some challenges like we have seen in several government schools – the genset is not working and while funds are available for fuel but no funds are available for repairing the genset !! Akash and his son also joined us and several volunteers along with Dhirender and Bharti from Perfetti were there.

Prashant did an outstanding job and got the entire audience involved in the workshop.

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The workshop was followed by a 1:1 short mentoring session. There will be a detailed career mentoring program that will be rolled out once the school reopens after the summer holidays.

The Sikanderpur Bada School campus

The Sikanderpur Bada School campus

If any organization would like to have the career options workshop conducted at a Higher secondary or Senior secondary school, please contact ShikshaDaan at